Monday, 10 December 2007

Mark Hannaway

How many research methods have i used?

-Internet --> "iMDB" was useful a useful website as it provided us with core information and reviews about our chosen films such as who the producers and distributors are.
--> Wikipedia is also a useful internet source as it contains information about all the films such as when it was made and any dilemmas.
--> "Facebook" was very useful as it contains various discussion groups and message boards for all our chosen films.
--> We found a useful sight that contains statistical data regarding films within the UK.

-Textual Analysis --> Between my group we all have the DVD videos for our chosen films and have watched trailers for all of them

Which Have been most useful?

I personally found the most useful method of research so far to be the internet, however the internet is very random and often contains unimportant information. The "iMDB" film site and "Facebook" have been the most useful sources so far as on facebook there is a wide range of groups some consisting of over 1000 members.

Which other methods am i going to use?

  • Myself and my group despite having watched the film trailers which has provided us with a brief outline of the story line and film content still need to watch the actual films.
  • We still need to formulate a questionnaire and to arrange an interview.
  • We still need to look at more secondary research methods such as books and magazines.



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